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Member Bio

Sheri Brinkmeyer 

Root Cause To Wellness  Functional Medicine Consultant
Chatham, IL
217 622 2973

Contact Information

Chatham, IL
217 622 2973
Root Cause To Wellness
Functional Medicine Consultant
111 Foxx Manor Dr
Chatham, IL 62629

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Additional Information


I have always loved science and craved continuing education. And with functional medicine, I found a field where to be an expert you must also be a lifelong student.

As a functional medicine practitioner who left a 20 year career as a PA specializing in the study of disease, I am able to fully integrate current medical thoughts and practices with a more functional approach that works WITH the function of the body to find optimal health and wellness for my clients.

The one thing that I found boring as a PA was the routine - you basically did the same thing for everybody and made small changes along the way. What I love about functional medicine is that, by design, it honors that everyone is bio-individual and has their own unique set of diet, lifestyle, environment, and inherent needs to be fulfilled.

Being a functional medicine practitioner is like being a medical detective that is always asking 'but why?' until we find the 'root reason' behind the imbalance. We don't stop at just making a symptom go away (afterall, a headache isn't actually from a Tylenol deficiency!). It's also like being a health doula - a liaison between you and your medical team that allows you to advocate for what you want and fulfill the advice given by your medical providers (even if we take a slightly different route to get to the same destination). I attend as many seminars and workshops as possible to add to my skill set, but the most valuable choice of all came in the fall of 2021 when I enrolled in the Academy of Functional Wellness to learn deeper HOW the body works and how to support others within the confines of the innate wisdom of the body. Once we realize that the body is truly making the best choices it can, then we stop trying to make changes happen and instead encourage them by supporting what is needed and removing what is causing harm.

I offer personalized one-on-one support, group programs, and even a self guided Foundations of Health program that you learn how to customize for yourself. And I'm offering a 10% discount on my Foundations of Health program or my Comprehensive Health and Wellness Review (the first step to working together) for everyone who is also a WE-CI member (and their immediate family).

Please PM me to learn more or sign up for a free 30 minute Health Strategy Call here: