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Women's Business Showcase!

About this event

On Thursday, March 13, 2025, the Women Entrepreneurs of Central Illinois will be holding its 5th annual Women’s Business Showcase event, presented by Heartland Credit Union. WECI has over 15 sponsors and over 60 exhibitors supporting and representing the diverse enterprises of women business owners.  Our event aims to showcase our local women business owners and their entrepreneurial spirit.

This event located at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, 3000 S Dirksen Pkwy, Springfield, IL 62703, from 4:30pm-7:00pm, is FREE and open to the public. The first 200 guests will receive a swag/goodie bag filled with giveaways provided by our sponsors. There will be a cash bar and drawings for a variety of giveaways.  

Our exhibitors have businesses that range from antiques to fashion and cosmetics, fine jewelry to corporate gifting to crafts, and services including human relations, insurance, laundry, real estate and chimney sweeping. Please plan to attend this FREE event, the Women's Business Showcase, March 13th, Crowne Plaza, 4:30-7:00pm.

Date and Time

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4:30 PM until 7:00 PM


The Crowne Plaza - Springfield
3000 S Dirksen Pkwy
Springfield, IL  62703

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Lisa R GoldbergBelle
2174149727 (p)
217 414 9727 (c)


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